Title of Project: The Will to Dream: Promoting Drama and Video in Prison Education
Year: 2006
Action: Grundtvig 1
Project No. and Code: 230424-CP-1-UK-Grundtvig-G1
Coordinator: Manchester City College
Galli-Group, Austria
SEEC, Bulgaria
Groenland Adult Learning Centre, Norway
Daugvilpils Probationary Service, Latvia
Matisa Prison, Latvia
EPEA – Malta Branch
PAF, Northern Ireland
Kulturskolan, Stockholm, Sweden
Mountjoy Prison, Dublin, Ireland
The project focused on the practical use of theatre and video in adult prison education, particularly in countries in eastern and central Europe with limited experience of these areas.
The project had a number of aims:
- To create, pilot and disseminate a practical educational model
- Practical workshops for exchange of information and best practice
- To develop strategies for promoting the use of theatre and video in adult prison education
- To develop an effective framework for employing the traditions of European theatre and film in adult prison education
- To explore and analyse personal and group reactions and relationships within practical drama work in prison education
- To combat racism, xenophobia and other negative attitudes
The project successfully carried out these activities and developed a number of outputs, including background research, meetings, workshops and presentations, a degree-level learning unit and a multimedia product entitled ‘The Moral Compass’, an introduction to developing theatre and video work in prisons.
Background research, multimedia product, meetings, workshops and presentations, theatre performances, degree-level learning unit, website and journal