Title of Project: Support Vocational Education and Training (VET) Teachers for Qualification Self-assessment
Year: 2008
Action: Leonardo da Vinci
Project No. and Code: 2008-1-BG1-LEO05-00464
Coordinator: Industry Watch Group Ltd (Bulgaria)
EPEA Malta Branch
Besiktas Campus of Bahcesehir University (Turkey)
Bulgarian National Agency for Vocational Education and Training
The main project aim is to enable teachers and trainers to be aware of their competencies and skills in order to take the right decision for professional development by developing and piloting a framework for quality assessment of professional teachers’ and trainers’ qualification. . Already tested tools are a standardized questionnaire to reveal link between qualification and years of teaching experience.
As a trans-European project, the Project will:
• Contribute to the European policy in teachers training in VET;
• Impact upon two new countries ( Turkey and Malta) rather than just one
• Draw strength from, and contribute to the achievement of, important policy goals for VET at the European level
• Be able to draw upon a varied team with complementary expertise that reflects all project stakeholders
• Engage in cultural exchange and adaptation between partners and that will stimulate new ideas and have an overall multiplying effect on the quality of national outputs.
• Share expertise and resources across the full partnership,
• Share best practice in project management.
• Share and together develop good practice in all aspects of valorisation (where experience and expertise varies considerably between partners)
• Provide mutual support between project partners
• Maximise valorisation in all 3 countries and at European level
• Build national resources and expertise, focused upon each partner, in relation to the needs of teachers in VET
• Consolidate a basis for future collaborative work.
Draw on the full range of contact-networks of each partner in relation to European policies and matters of mutual concern.