Title of Project:                      Sharing Experiences about Prisoners LLL and Employment after Release

Year:                                      2008

Action:                                    Grundtvig Learning Partnerships

Project No. and Code:          LLP/GRU/MT/LP/11/2008

Coordinator:                          Greta Nantes Btp        


ASBL APRES (Belgium)

European Prison Education Association – Malta Branch


The project ‘Sharing experiences about prisoners and ex-prisoners professional re-inclusion’ was designed to compare and bring together experiences from the three countries (France, Belgium and Malta) regarding the various aspects of prisoner rehabilitation.  Both the services available to prisoners in and out of the prison and the problems and hurdles they need to overcome both inside and outside are numerous.  The latter are more common to the three countries than the former.  This is not surprising given that public perception of prisoners and prisons is very similar in these and many other states.  Once released from prison the ex-prisoner faces a steep uphill challenge in order to succeed in being accepted socially and economically.  The three countries provide assistance and support (albeit in different ways and to a different degree) to prisoners in order to help reduce the uphill struggle waiting for them on release