Dialogue for Researchers and Practitioners

Journal of Prison Education and Reentry.jpg


In this journal you will find practitioner- and researcher-written work juxtaposed as we attempt to create a democratic dialogue within and across the field of prisoner education and reentry.  Practitioner-written articles include case studies, instructional designs, vignettes and essays, action research, and art.  They are not peer-reviewed, but rather carefully selected by our editors who work closely with practitioner-authors to ensure that only the best representations of practice are included in the journal. Researcher-written work undergoes a rigorous peer-review process via our editorial board.  Practitioner- and researcher-written work will be clearly designated as such at the top of each article.

This is an open access journal, which means that our articles are free to all readers.  As an online journal, we have the privilege of publishing articles as soon as they have been reviewed, revised, and accepted, meaning that you do not have to wait until each volume of the journal is filled before you can access new and useful information.

Research Papers

JPER's Research section publishes original empirical studies and theoretical papers related to prison education and the reentry process. JPER embraces interdisciplinary scholarship and accepts manuscripts from all applicable fields, including but not limited to: education, criminology, psychology, arts and humanities, linguistics, law, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, culture studies, public policy, spirituality and religion, and mental/behavioral health. All submissions should align with internationally recognized ethical standards for research and apply procedures that assure voluntary and informed consent for subject participation.  A variety of research methodologies are welcome. Submissions will undergo a blind review by three peers. To be considered for publication, manuscripts should address important issues, have strong theoretical frameworks, employ sound methods, offer new and relevant insights, and be well written. 

Editor: William Muth


Practitioner Papers

Practitioner papers are, by definition, works that capture the experiences of prison educators.  All sides of prison education practice, such as the day-to-day experiences of a teacher, the impact of policy on instruction, discussions of ethical challenges, reflections on best practices, and experiences related to visual and written arts will all be considered.

Although submissions should follow APA 6th edition guidelines when appropriate, there may be some practitioner submissions for which this requirement does not apply.  

Editors: Anne Costelloe


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