Title of Project: Knowledge for future integration of Marginalised and Disadvantaged Citizens (Margintec)
Year: 2007
Action: Grundtvig 1
Project No. and Code: 134588-LLP-1-2007-1-SI-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Coordinator: TECOS, Razvojni center orodjarstva Slovenije, Slovenia
Pro-Eco D.O.O., Slovenia
Uprava Za Izvrševanje Kazenskih Sankcij Rs, Slovenia
Administraţia Naţională A Penitenciarelor, Romania
Ülikool Akadeemia Nord, Estonia
Hmp/Yoi Chelmsford, Great Britain
Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk, Germany
Universität Bremen, Institut Für Krminalpolitik, Germany
L-Ghaqda Ghall-Edukazjoni Fil-Habs – Fergha Ta’ Malta
Institut Für Rechts- Und Kriminalsoziologie, Austria
Education in prisons remains one of the most pressing issues in Europe, since the importance of quality education in European prisons is still not fully recognized. Education is not adapted to the needs of prisoners, as it does not include distinctive social and psychological features of this social group. Furthermore, not enough emphasis is put on motivation and identification of the actual needs and wishes of prisoners. A successful reintegration of marginalized groups into the society and the labour market is one of the most crucial questions and problems facing the modern Europe. Up to now, the skills thought European prisons have been manly traditional ones for which there is a very limited demand in the labour market.
The aim of the MARGINTEG project is to develop a new approach to prison education. The project introduces a conceptual framework for the development of alternative educational methods, approaches and tools for a successful reintegration of marginalized groups into the society. The main project results are E-Courses for Injection Moulding Machine.