Title of Project: Implementing Lifelong Learning Policies: Promoting Education in European Penal Institutions
Year: 2002
Action: Accompanying Measures
Project No. and Code: 2002-3549/001-001 SO2-81AWC
Coordinator: European Prison Education Association.
Partners: Ministry of Justice of the following countries:
Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Slovak Republic, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Iceland, Rumania, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic
The project aimed to:
1) Promote models of support by the authorities in order to enhance education in prisons.
2) Promote the formation of regional and national associations of prison educators
3) Discuss how the EPEA can assist in the development of prison education wherever its co-operation is needed
4) Promote and facilitate projects particularly through the EU programme Socrates
From: The Times Thursday, December 4, 2003
Fourteen officials from the justice ministries of seven European countries - Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, the Slovak Republic, Cyprus and Malta - attended a three-day meeting in Malta.
They were participating in a project funded by the EU and co-ordinated by Anthony Vella and Joseph Giordmaina on behalf of the European Prison Education Association.
The project is entitled Implementing Lifelong Learning Policies: Promoting Education in European Penal Institutions.
The main aim is to explore how education can be developed within corrective institutions.
The programme included a visit to the education unit at Corradino Correctional Facility where delegates met inmates following educational courses in the unit.
The officials' meeting will be followed up by two other meetings in Lisbon and Budapest, during which delegates from another 14 countries will meet in order to discuss education in prisons.