Title of Project: Equal in Europe: Beyond Emergency: Strategies and Tools of Pre-professional Education and Training for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Year: 2005
Action: Grundtvig 1
Project No. and Code: 223527-CP-1-2005-1-IT-Grundtvig-G11
Coordinator: ARCI-Toscana
University of Malta
Polish Humanitarian Organisation
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan Stenungsund/Tjörn Sweden
With this project the consortium intends to promote the social and cultural integration of immigrants and minorities, particularly asylum seekers and refugees, through the awareness raising of the adult native population on the one side and the proposal of innovative socialisation models on the other, using methods of non formal education. The project aims to acquire and disseminate effective, innovative and transferable methods of providing correct information on the situation of asylum seekers, refugees, immigrants and minorities, as well as effective strategies to reduce fear. In order to reach the adult population of the countries involved each country will organise specific educational activities (for example workshops, seminars, debates, exhibitions, study circles, events) in which forms of intercultural dialogue and communication will be tested. Through the test and evaluation of the activities carried out the consortium expects to achieve effective methods, strategies and tools for awareness raising which can be exploited to other contexts improving the quality of living together.
Outputs, results and products
• Effective transferable strategies and tools for awareness raising about equality of rights and opportunities included the right to diversity
• Adaptation of methods of non formal education to an intercultural context
• Innovative models of socialisation
• A web site in 4 languages (IT, PL, SE, EN) with material and guidelines
• A manual with guidelines and practical tools
• An initial seminar
• A final convention
• Information material about the project and the activities planned